Residents of Landsbury Terrace are advised that the area at the north end of this street has been designated a “no parking” zone. As of November 15th, 2022, an amendment to Traffic and Parking Bylaw 801-18 was passed by Council which prohibits parking in this area. This is due to its intended purpose as a spot for the placement of snow by snow clearing operations.
Likewise, residents along Tweed Lane are advised that the area at the north end of Tweed Lane has been designated a “no parking” zone, as per the above amendment.
Signage will be erected at the north ends of both Landsbury Terrace and Tweed Lane in late November, and enforcement will commence following this for the duration of the snowfall season. It is asked that residents refrain from parking their vehicles in this area to avoid being ticketed and/or towed.
Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.