*Please be aware that a permit is required to drive a motorized vehicle or transport materials across boulevards, flankages, or any other type of public property.*
Building Permit Applications
Permits are required for any building construction, building addition, accessory structures* in excess of 108 square feet, and may be required for renovations or other structures, including but not limited to decks, sheds, and pools. Any questions or inquiries regarding whether a permit may be required can be directed to permits@whereyoubelong.ca.
Below you will find a section for each type of permit your project may require. To apply for a building permit, please use the online permit application and upload any additional supporting documents as noted in that section. At times, additional information may be requested. If the type of project is not listed below, select “Other”. A site plan with setbacks clearly indicating the distance between the building or structures and all property lines must be included with every permit application. A security deposit will be required for new buildings and may be required for other types of construction.
*Accessory structures are buildings such as attached or detached garages or sheds.
When is a Building Permit not required?
- Painting, decorating and replacement of exterior finishes.
- Replacement of doors and windows when the opening is not altered.
- Fences, however, the Zoning By-law and Design Control Guidelines specific to your area do apply.
- Sheds – smaller than 108 sq ft., however the Zoning By-law and Design Control Guidelines specific to your area still apply. A maximum of 3 accessory structures are permitted, and site coverage regulations apply. For example, an attached or detached garage is considered an accessory structure.
- Deck – if less than 24” from grade on all sides, however, Zoning By-law regulations apply.
Once I receive my permit, how long do I have to commence work before my permit expires?
A development/building permit expires if the work authorized by the permit is not commenced within twelve (12) months from the date of issuance of the permit, or within any extensions granted in writing by the Designated Officer.
A permit may be revoked or suspended if:
- Construction is not started within a period of twelve months from the date of issuing the permit;
- Construction is discontinued for a period of one year;
- There is a violation of any condition under which the permit was issued;
- There are any alterations or deviations from the submitted plans and specifications without authority.
A site plan is required for all permits. Include all measurements to property lines.