On this page, you can find a links and descriptions of the different licenses that the Town of Niverville provides.
In most cases, if your homebased business generates any traffic to your home in a residental zone, an approved Conditional Use application and an annual business license at a cost of $100 per year is required. Click here for the Conditional Use Permit.
A Business License is not required in a Commercial Corridor, Commercial Main Street, Industrial General or Industrial Mixed-Use zones.
Please email feedback@whereyoubelong.ca for more information regarding business licenses.
Are you considering starting a home-based business?
A home-based business means an occupation or activity that is secondary to the use of the premises as a dwelling and that does not alter the exterior of the property or affect the residential character of the neighbourhood.
A home-based business that generates any traffic to your home requires an approved Conditional Use Application and an annual Business License.
What is a Conditional Use?
A Conditional Use means a use of land or a building that may be allowed under a zoning by-law. A use is identified as conditional if it may require certain conditions to minimize any potential land use conflicts.
Zoning by-laws divide land into zones and outline whether uses are permitted, conditional, or not permitted in each zone. A Public Hearing is required to be held to determine if the Conditional Use application will be approved or rejected.
Purpose of Conditional Use
A Conditional Use allows a municipality to consider special uses that may be desirable to a community and are generally permitted but may require additional examination to determine compatibility with surrounding land uses. The Planning Act of Manitoba governs the Conditional Use process.
To apply for a Conditional Use, you will need to complete the application form, as well as provide details about your business and the application fee of $300. Staff then review the application and set a date for a Public Hearing. Below is the link to the Town’s Conditional Use application form. To allow for adequate processing and advertising lead time, a date for a Public Hearing (which will be held at a Council Meeting) will be scheduled once your application, supporting documents and payment of $300 are received. Keep in mind that depending on the situation, it may take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks to process your application followed by a mandatory 14-day advertising period.
It is recommended that you attend the Public Hearing so you are available to answer questions or provide clarity about your proposal to aid Council in having all the relevant information for their decision-making. If you wish, you may make a presentation, however this is optional. Council may approve, deny, or approve with conditions your application, and if approved, an annual Business Licence ($100/year) will also be required.
An application received after the start of a business may be subject to a Post-Use Conditional Use Application Fee of $500 and will need to go through the same Public Hearing process for approval from Council.
Home-based Business Standards
A home-based business may only operate with an approved Conditional Use, as a secondary use on the property and must comply with the specific Home-Based Business standards below:
- The business being operated out of the home needs to be conducted by those who live in the home;
- Obtain required permits or licenses;
- No outside processing or storage related to the business;
- Not more than 30% of the total floor area of buildings on the site devoted to the business, other than a Bed and Breakfast; and
- a maximum of one business identification sign is permitted, affixed to the wall of a principal or accessory building, not exceeding:
- 40 square feet in Agriculture Limited and Rural Residential zones;
- 6 square feet, non-illuminated in all other zones where home-based businesses are allowed.
For more information or clarification, please contact the Town at 204-388-4600 and ask for the Permits Department.
All dogs and cats (6 months and over) within the Town of Niverville are required to be licensed. You may have up to 3 pets per household. If you are within this number, please use this application form, otherwise, use the Hobby Breeders License below. Proof of rabies and distemper vaccination must be presented at the time of application before a license or renewal can be issued. Please email feedback@whereyoubelong.ca for more info regarding animal or hobby breeders licenses.
The Town may only issue a lottery license to a registered charitable or religious organization for a raffle with total prizes not exceeding $3000. If you are a registered charitable organization, proof of registration is required. Please email reception@whereyoubelong.ca to apply.
For all other liquor, gaming or cannabis inquires or licenses, please visit the Liquor, Gaming & Cannabis Authority of Manitoba (LGCA) website at https://lgcamb.ca/gaming/municipalities/.