Open Health Niverville

Open Health Niverville is a primary health care facility that offers a variety of services and has numerous clinicians and professionals in one place. They serve individuals in the Niverville and surrounding area/region.

At Open Health, there are several Physicians, two Nurse Practitioners and a Primary Health Care Nurse to assist you with your medical needs.

In addition to the Open Health staff, there is a collaborative effort with the Southern Health Region, who employs a variety of allied health care professionals within the same facility. Referrals can be made by your Physician/Nurse Practitioner to any number of these services or professionals, including: Chronic disease nurse, Chronic disease dietician, Mental health (adult and adolescent), as well as Child development (Physiotherapy, Speech Therapy, Occupational Therapy).

Additionally, Open Health is pleased to have two Public Health Nurses, who are also employed by the Southern Health Region. Open Health and Diagnostic Services Manitoba have also collaborated in order to provide on-site lab services three mornings per week.

If you are having a medical emergency, call 9-1-1.

Address: 161-A 2nd Avenue South
Phone: 204-388-6626

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